Keep Scores Easily

Download the Official Bloxo Scoring app to easily keep scores while playing Bloxo. Add and remove points for each player easily. Download for FREE on the App Store now. (Coming soon to the Play Store).

Apple App Store

Learn How To Play

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Cards must be placed in straight lines with edges matching.

This would score 4 points (2 for the yellow circles and 2 for the green stars).

No Staggering Allowed.

Cards have to be placed as though on a grid without edges overlapping.

All adjoining colours must match so you can't do this.

You can't do this because the pink diamond and green star would be touching.

But this is good!

It would score 6 points.

Try to add to multiple colours to score more points.

This would score 8 points. Four for the pinks and four for the blues.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Mariana Newton
Absolutely brilliant Game

Our new family favourite game - beautifully designed and brilliant fun to play - 10/10!!!

So addictive!

We bought this to take on a group holiday and we couldn’t put it down! Love it!

All schools should have BLOXO

Great fun, this game is ideal to have on you whenever you go out, good for adults and children.

Caitlin Rouse
Great game!

We played this for ages with my 6 year old, we.loved it and it was very easy to understand.